Terms & Conditions

Ikopesa is a property of Richable Ventures, which is a legal business entity incorporated according to Kenyan Law. These are the terms and conditions that govern access and use of Ikopesa Website. By using Ikopesa we assume you have read and agreed to our terms and conditions that govern us.

Site Use

Ikopesa is only meant for persons aged 18 years or more.

Total honesty in giving personal details during Registration is recommended. Use of incorrect contact details will lead to account suspension or even being banned from Ikopesa and its affiliate products.

Impersonation is prohibited and one is encouraged to provide their own personal and contact details.

Creation of multiple accounts is not allowed. If it is critical to have more than one accounts, users are advised to first contact Ikopesa through the official communication channels

Every user shall be liable for content published on their account.

You assume complete liability for any form of risk, loss, damage, defamation that may arise or is associated with your account or the content therein.

Each user is held responsible for keeping your account log-on details safe and confidential.

Ikopesa reserves the right to terminate your account without prior notification.

User Content

You are solely responsible for your content. This could be inaccuracy, lack of quality or unreliability. You should not use the name Ikopesa to misledad people. It is prohibited to use Ikopesa in inappropriate manner.

Activating Account

Ikopesa reserve the right to approve or disapprove an account without further explanation. We may require additional information as we seek to avail accurate and valuable information to the website users.

Refund Policy

Ikopesa will and doesn’t ask for any amount apart from account activation fees that gives the users all content and benefits derived from using Ikopesa products.

Payment for account activation must be paid in full via our payment wallets. For a refund to be affected, below conditions are should hold;

  1. Payment should have been made within 24hrs.
  2. The user must not have used any referral code while joining.

Refund is done within 48hrs after the request has been granted.

Content Use

Ikopesa may advertise itself using your content – images, photos, and so forth, for which you are not entitled to any form of compensation. Such advertisements are subject to change without specific notice.

Our right to use your content

We may use your content in our advertisements, promotions or any other kind of customer outreach.

Conditions: You agree not to, or facilitate others to:

  • violate third party’s right according to any law.
  • violate our content guideline.
  • Solicit any personal information that can be used to harm minors or any individual.
  • violate any applicable law, the website and the content within is the intellectual property of Richable Ventures Company Ltd and is protected by Kenya and international copyright law and intellectual property rights. Therefore, you are not to modify, adapt, redistribute, reproduce, translate, create derivatives, adaptations or versions of, publicly display, sell, trade, or in any way exploit the website or the website content (other than your content).
  • Use any (ro)bot, spider, site search/retrieval application or automated device, process or means to access, retrieve, scrape or index the website or any of website content, reverse engineer this site or parts of it.
  • remove or modify any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notice that appears on any part of the website or its content, record, process or mine information about other users.
  • execute any task, activity or (malicious) code that may impose or effect an unreasonable load on Ikopesa website infrastructure thus adversely affecting bandwidth, space, processing power, and other computing resources or cause loss, damage of website content, design, structure or its normal function.
  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the site, user accounts, or any part of the infrastructure through hacking or any other means.
  • use the website or part or component of the website to transmit any malware or any software that causes damage, loss, theft of data or information or has undesired effects on the infrastructure or those connected to Ikopesa website infrastructure.
  • Attempt to remove, disable, damage, circumvent or interfere with any security-related feature in place that enforces limitations on use of the website. Contact us instead for us to provide alternatives should you feel limited or inhibited by the security infrastructure. You are advised to contact Ikopesa for assistance instead.
  • We reserve the right to vet, edit, remove user content at any time without notice, particularly for legal or any other reason such as violation of Ikopesa content guidelines or terms and conditions.

You agree to indemnify, defend and not hold Ikopesa and all its associates, owners, directors, subsidiaries, or affiliates, responsible for any loss, liability, legal fees, claims, demands, or suits made by you or any third party from their:

  • visit or view of the website, purchase services made on the website.
  • violation of the terms and conditions by you or third party.
Disclaimer and our liability limitation

This section applies to Ikopesa which is a child of Richable Ventures, subsidiaries, associates or affiliates.

Ikopesa disclaims liability of any incidental, consequential, direct, indirect, special damage or loss suffered from the access or use of the website, including but not limited to loss of profits, reputation damage, business interruption or closure, loss or damage of information or data.

Lawsuits or Legal Disputes

We are determined to fairly and amicably resolve disputes that may arise from this agreement and so you are encouraged to contact Ikopesa in such occasions before seeking legal intervention. However, should legal intervention be pursued, then any legal suits or disputes that may arise from this agreement, access or lack of it to the website, will be under the jurisdiction of Kenyan courts and all proceedings held within Nairobi, Kenya and you waive any objection to the said venue.


If you have an account, you may terminate the service of the website by emailing us at [email protected]

We may discontinue, suspend, close your account at any time should we establish violation of any law, regulation, terms or conditions.

General terms

We reserve the right to modify, update the website at any time without notice to you if your business details accordingly remain in place.

We may discontinue the website services any time with a month’s notice to you.

Ikopesa may revise these terms of use for its website at any time without notice. By using this website, you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these terms and conditions of use. You are encouraged to read the terms and condition every so often though we will seek to notify you of any changes to the same.